Saturday, February 23, 2008


I have a meme to do from Cara Mama, but I'm delaying as I can't think of anything good to write at the moment. But be assured, as I am working on it. Just as she did, I had a Snow Day yesterday and decided to go for a long walk with the dogs with my camera in hand. The ice was not nearly as bad as all were led to beleive, but some was still clinging to the plants...enough to make some lovely nature photos.

I was hoping to get one of the geese walking on the pond. But alas, the geese were for once nowhere to be found. And the pond must have been the victim of a lot of ice-melt runoff as it looked like nothing more than a mudpit. Surely NOT photo worthy.

In fact, the only creature I found was a lonely little robin.

And he wasn't the only sign of impending spring. I could see my Queen of Night tulips peeking thru the soil as well.

It was nice to have some time to just be out and experiance the quiet and peaceful beauty of just being outside. But it was also nice to come home, to this precious little person.


caramama said...

Great pics! I did not venture out, as it was simply to cold for me.

Love that pic of Sasha. And we have the same ducky sleeper!

Burgh Baby said...

Tulips poking through! Yay!