The Screamies are continuing, only more ittermittently. It has GOT to be a developmental thing and, thinking on it, it's understandable. He's gone thru a LOT of changes.
1) There's the still relatively new daycare. Yes, she's a lovely woman and he's happy there, but it's new.
2) There's his newfound independence.
a) The sudden weaning was a big step--even though it was his choice to take it. I spent about 1 week continuing to pump at least once a day and continuing to offer it. But no, and so I let myself dry up.
b) Feeding himself completely—no more morning oatmeal or jarred food at other peoples’ houses—is also a pretty big change.
c) No more bottle is also significant.
3) There’s also a bit of a language explosion. We’ve been noticing a new word pretty much every day for the last week. That’s a LOT. And he’s putting words together…not necessarily a sentence because there isn’t always a verb. The only verb he happens to be able to say is “Throw” (actually comes out “tow”). But there are a lot of subject/object combinations like he’ll say the dog’s name, followed by “doggie” while he pets her. Unfortunately, he still doesn’t say Mommy.
I think we’ve just got to wait this out and hope it doesn’t kill us all.
Ahhh... the baby days. My youngest is 2 1/2 and it's amazing how much older that feels, even though it's only about a year.
We've been having word and sign explosions pretty continuously since about 12 months. It's simply amazing! Oh, and we're getting the independence struggle too. Now, she is constantly saying "No" with a frustratingly cute shake of her head. Urg!
Good luck with this phase, and here's hoping for more sleep soon.
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