Thursday, March 6, 2008


And so we hunt for daycare options. Looks like the person I've been relying on as 'gap coverage' isn't going to be able to cover when I have to stop teleworking next month.

And so we're surprised to find ourselves at totally square one and in a bind to find someone to watch Sasha just 2 days a week.

I'm beginning the hunt for in-home options (I really am not a huge fan of daycare centers for infants). Left e-mails and messages with people who I know have some form of daycare to see who they use and if they like them.

I hate this. It'd be so much simpler if I could just take him to work with me!

1 comment:

Burgh Baby said...

Amen to that. It would be WAY easier if we could just take them with us.