Wednesday, July 29, 2009

And No One Will Toilet from Within a Traffic Cone

The potty training continues to show progress. I have such an excellent little boy.
My current all-absorbing project while we’re spending way too much time at home (to be close to tiny plastic potties that are easier for someone to use) is redoing our own bathrooms. The upstairs hall one was redone a few months back. The upstairs master bath needs some additional work as time and use has made requisite and so is not usable. The downstairs halfbath in the mudroom I have been meaning to work on and got started 2 weeks ago. Everything was removed, the walls prepped, sanded and painted. Trim is up. And we are now ready to put in the fixtures.
I have a little less than two weeks to buy and install everything—and I mean everything. There is no toilet, sink, etc.
Sister’s baby shower is not this coming Saturday, but the following. At my house.
I remain confident that I can do it. I’ve checked the stores before and I know where to go for what and it’s all picked out. I just need to go get it and actually put everything together.
Work continues to be…interesting…(yeah, that’s a good word for it) and busy.

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