I just got an e-mail that made my day. My blueberries are coming!
I've been very agitated lately. Aggravated with work. Aggravated with my husband. Aggravated with my son. Aggravated with random passers-by who unfortunately fall into the wake of my wrath....
I am not a cold-weather, live in darkness, bundle into unrecognizability kind of person. I am a summer person. Yes, I sizzle like a vampire when exposed to sunlight, but that is only my physical body. My soul craves 90 degree temperatures, sand, sun, and cool island breezes. I've no doubt that this is is a factor in my foul mood.
In anticipation of spring, I ordered some plants during the height of the snowpocalypse. The catalogue wouldn't send them till the appropriate time for planting, but knowing they would come helped me. I ordered blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cherries, asian pears...I went a little wild. And now the company has told me they have mailed the first part.
Spring has begun to show through the snowdrifts as well...I see the tips of crocus poking thru.
Viva la primavera!
Yea!! That's definitely something to improve the mood.
We (okay, hubby and MIL) planted blueberry bushes last year, and we (me and the Pumpkin especially) are hoping that they made it through the snowpocalypse.
Spring is just around the corner. We'll be in summer soon!
Waaaah! Nothing has shipped to me yet! Waaaah!
I'm just a little bit ready to plant some fruits in our side yard. Just a little bit.
What an incredible blossom. I am not at all familiar with this plant, but it sounds like one I would like to get to know better.
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