Monday, November 8, 2010


This weekend I got it into me that we needed to go through our things and dispose of them.
It started with the shoes. I’d destroyed 3 pairs in the last two weeks. Sasha had grown out of every last pair of his. Hubby always says he needs new ones.

I went through the piles and got rid of more shoes than I care to admit we had. Sasha’s mostly got put away with the outgrown clothes. Other than his sneakers, his shoes are in wonderful shape so they can be reused or sold at consignment. Hubby had 3 pair that were legitimately too sad to keep. We’d already replaced two of his so he was only allowed one pair (this vexed him greatly as he kept coming with piles of shoeboxes). I, well, I’m embarrassed. I only had a pair of bone heels, galoshes, and a pair of brown boots left after all the torn, holey, dog-eaten, missing a shoe, or totally useless (like my pointe slippers from college) were removed.

While at the store, Sasha broke my purse (he decided to stand in it for an impromptu potato sack race of one), so I enjoyed some much needed retail therapy completely guilt-free. I legitimately needed to shop for myself so that I could go to work dressed properly so I didn’t sit there and feel the need to put everything back (which is usually my way).

I then started on our closets and bookcases.

I am married to a packrat. The torn and faded drapes which I have thrown out 3 times mysteriously reappeared in the hall closet and I will attempt to throw them out again. A broken DVD player was unearthed. Old, torn, worn clothing that is too pathetic to send to Goodwill was found stored. More was added to the old bags and will be placed on the curb once more. I still feel the need to purge so strongly. I think I’ll go through our belongings with a fine-toothed comb and clear out much of what we hold on to for no good reason. It will probably take a few weeks, but I know I’ll feel better for having done it. And now that Hubby has agreed that these things are all trash and in such sorry shape that they should NOT be saved…I hope we will actually be rid of them.

Then….then I will start on the painting again. I will renew my surroundings and thus feel renewed.

1 comment:

caramama said...

I have a really hard time throwing out shoes, myself. Even when they are all beat up. But I also did a purge of my closet last summer, and it felt so good!